Call of duty world war 2 game size pc
Call of duty world war 2 game size pc

call of duty world war 2 game size pc

Starting with the iconic and obligatory landing at Normandy, you shoot your way through the Western Front, liberating Paris, crossing the Rhine, and taking part in the Battle of the Bulge. You play as Daniels, a US soldier and member of the 1st Infantry Division. This is another Call of Duty campaign, replete with slow crawl concussion scenes, cornfed soldiers, and angry COs. This isn't the powerful history lesson for future generations it was first billed as.

call of duty world war 2 game size pc call of duty world war 2 game size pc

I'm not surprised Call of Duty always flubs the grandiose promises made by its marketing. It turns a global catastrophe into a melodramatic test of camaraderie, more concerned with making you feel cool than bogging anyone down with historical context. The singleplayer campaign isn't really about WWII anyway, it's about how friendship between adult men requires both great sacrifice and a great aim.

Call of duty world war 2 game size pc