Vitamin k antidote
Vitamin k antidote

This is significantly higher than the cost of veterinary-grade vitamin K1, which is available in 50 mg tablets at a cost of US$0.61 per tablet. In the US, phytonadione for humans is available only in 5 mg tablets at a cost of US$70.51 per tablet. In addition, treatment with phytonadione may be required for weeks or months to mitigate the effects of brodifacoum due to its prolonged half-life (16‒34 days). Initial treatment for brodifacoum exposure involves initiation of oral vitamin K1 at doses as high as 50 mg every six hours. However, the pricing of this generic, single-source pharmaceutical has made the cost of therapy for brodifacoum toxicity prohibitively expensive.

vitamin k antidote

Vitamin K1 (phytonadione) is used as an antidote for coagulopathy in users of synthetic cannabinoids (K2 or spice) that has been contaminated with brodifacoum (often used as a rodenticide), which is a vitamin K antagonist.

Vitamin k antidote